what was the only city named in Palestine?

One map shows Jerusalem and Jericho- -- one may shows Gaza - But the question only requires there to be one city

Jerusalum, Jericho or Gaza

What time period are you researching?

If you want a modern city in Palestine, it may be Jericho. Gaza is a region. Jerusalem is a contested city, although Palestine claims part of this city.

Check this map.


The only city that is commonly named when referring to the historical and geopolitical region of Palestine is Jerusalem. While Jericho and Gaza are also important cities in the region, Jerusalem is typically the city most associated with Palestine.

To arrive at this answer, one can consider various sources such as history books, geopolitical conventions, or even general knowledge about the region. Additionally, it is important to note that different maps or sources might provide varying information, so it's always recommended to cross-reference and consult reliable sources.