Mary base pay rate is $11.50 per hour, with overtime paid at time-and-a-half. Find her gross pay if she worked 35.5 hours Monday through Saturday. Round to the nearest cent.

Were any of those hours counted as overtime?

To find Mary's gross pay, we need to calculate her regular pay for 35.5 hours and overtime pay for any hours beyond 40 (assuming that is the threshold for overtime).

1. Calculate Regular Pay:
Mary's base pay rate is $11.50 per hour, and she worked 35.5 hours.
Regular pay = Base pay rate * Hours worked
Regular pay = $11.50 * 35.5

2. Calculate Overtime Pay (if applicable):
If Mary worked more than 40 hours in a week, any additional hours are considered overtime. In this case, she worked 35.5 hours, so no overtime pay is applicable.

3. Calculate Gross Pay:
Since no overtime pay is applicable, her gross pay will be the same as her regular pay.
Gross pay = Regular pay

Now, let's calculate the values:

Regular pay = $11.50 * 35.5 = $409.25
Gross pay = $409.25

Thus, Mary's gross pay for working 35.5 hours from Monday through Saturday is $409.25.