A scientist has noted a possible relationship between a certain chemical substance found in fish and the occurrence of kidney failure in humans. Which of the following preliminary steps should the scientist take before conducting a controlled experiment?

A. Establish a cause and effect relationship between the substance and the outcome.

B. Review the literature to determine what other research is available on this topic.

C. Write a research grant proposal to the appropriate federal funding agency.

D. Distribute letters of consent to human subjects who will be used in the research.


I disagree.

I think B because he will need to review the literature before preceding with experiment, correct?

I agree. B is the answer.

comparing two things

Before conducting a controlled experiment to investigate the possible relationship between the chemical substance found in fish and kidney failure in humans, the scientist should first take the preliminary step of reviewing the literature to determine what other research is available on this topic (Option B).

Explaining why:
- Reviewing the literature will help the scientist to understand what previous studies have been conducted in the field. It will provide information on whether any similar experiments have been carried out, what the findings were, and what gaps in knowledge still exist.
- This step is crucial as it allows the scientist to build on existing knowledge and avoid duplicating research efforts. It also helps in identifying any potential limitations or challenges that have been previously encountered.
- By reviewing the literature, the scientist can also identify any controversies or conflicting evidence surrounding the possible relationship between the chemical substance and kidney failure in humans. This can help in formulating a research question and designing an appropriate experiment.

So, the correct answer is B: Review the literature to determine what other research is available on this topic.