Create an image without text that can be used to accompany a verb phrase exercise. The image should include a ghostwriter focused on his work at a well-lit desk, surrounded by stacks of books. In the room, add a friendly ghost floating curiously over the writer's shoulder, looking at his work. Please make sure the environment looks calming and induces a feeling of concentration and learning.

Underline each verb phrase. Write the main and helping verbs on the line.

1.You may know about the job of the
main:__ Helping:__

2.Ghostwriters do not haunt anyone.
Main:__ Helping:__

Please study this site.

If you post your answers, someone will be glad to check them.

For 1, is the main verb know and the helping verb may?

And for 2, is the main verb and haunt and the helping verb do?

Yes! All of your answers are right.

2. The main verb is "haunt."

1. You may know about the job of the ghostwriter.

Main: know
Helping: may

2. Ghostwriters do not haunt anyone.
Main: haunt
Helping: do, not