which of these was an innovation that accompanied the advent of framing?

b .normadism
c. hunting
d. the use of metals

my answer D

Is that what your text materials say?

not really is confusing

picture framing?

Perhaps farming?

If farming, then:

herding is most often practiced by nomadic tribes who do not farm (cowboys?)

nomads do not usually farm

farmers may hunt, but only on vacation during deer season.

I suspect that to really develop the use of metals you need to settle down in one place where you can build forges and such. Then you can sell your metal objects to the nomadic cowboys.

Try this:


To determine which of these options was an innovation that accompanied the advent of farming, we need to understand what framing is and then analyze each option.

Farming, or agriculture, is the practice of cultivating plants and rearing animals for food, fiber, medicinal plants, and other products. It involves activities such as plowing, planting seeds, tending to crops, and domesticating animals. Framing revolutionized human societies by transitioning them from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled communities centered around agricultural practices.

Now let's consider each option:

a. Herding: Herding refers to the practice of raising and caring for livestock, such as cattle, sheep, or goats. While herding is related to agriculture and often accompanies farming, it is not specifically an innovation that occurred with the advent of farming.

b. Nomadism: Nomadism refers to a way of life in which people move from place to place without settling permanently. Nomadic societies usually rely on hunting and gathering for their sustenance rather than agriculture. Nomadism is essentially the opposite of farming and does not align with the innovation of farming.

c. Hunting: Hunting is the act of pursuing, capturing, and killing wild animals for food, clothing, or other purposes. While hunting was the main source of sustenance for early humans during the hunter-gatherer era, it is not directly associated with the innovation of farming.

d. The use of metals: This option is unrelated to the advent of farming. The use of metals, such as bronze or iron, is more commonly associated with technological advancements in metallurgy, which occurred later in human history and is not directly linked to the transition from gathering and hunting to farming.

Therefore, the correct answer is none of the given options. The innovation that accompanied the advent of farming was not mentioned in the provided choices.