My current overall average is a 76%. Another grade of 67 needs to be added in. That grade is worth 10%. What will my final average be?

To calculate your final average, you need to take into account the percentage weightings of your current average and the upcoming grade.

Here's how you can calculate your final average:

1. Multiply your current average (76%) by its weight (90%). The weight represents the remaining 90% of your final average. (76% * 90% = 68.4%)

2. Multiply the grade you will be adding (67%) by its weight (10%). This represents the remaining 10% of your final average. (67% * 10% = 6.7%)

3. Add these two values together to get your final average. (68.4% + 6.7% = 75.1%)

Therefore, your final average would be approximately 75.1%.