For the following:

a. Draw a diagram
b. Write a conclusion that states the congruence of the two angles.
c. Write a conclusion that states the equality of the measures of two angles.

14. CD bisects angle ACB. (CD is a ray)


Which statement is true?

Select one of the options below as your answer:

Two angles can be complementary and equal.
Two angles cannot be equal if they are complementary.
An angle can be complementary only if it is 90°.
Only three angles can be supplementary.

To answer the given question, we need to draw a diagram and use the properties of angle bisectors.

a. Drawing a diagram:
To draw the diagram, we can start by drawing line AB with a point C on it. Then, draw a ray CD starting from point C, such that it intersects the angle ACB. The ray CD should divide the angle ACB into two equal angles, ∠ACD and ∠DCB.

Here is a diagram:

| \
∠ACD | \ ∠DCB
| \

b. Writing a conclusion that states the congruence of the two angles:
Since CD is an angle bisector, it divides angle ACB into two congruent angles, ∠ACD and ∠DCB. Therefore, we can conclude that ∠ACD ≅ ∠DCB.

c. Writing a conclusion that states the equality of the measures of two angles:
By the definition of angle bisector, CD divides angle ACB into two equal angles. This means that the measures of ∠ACD and ∠DCB are equal, ∠ACD = ∠DCB.