I need a sentence that will finish my descriptive writing off with a funny personification? Aiming for level 7.

its about big ben

Bong! Bong! Bong! Ben talked to us again.

To craft a sentence with a funny personification that will elevate your descriptive writing to a level 7, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the object or subject that you want to personify in your sentence. This can be anything – an inanimate object, an animal, or even an abstract concept.

2. Think of a human trait or quality that can be humorously assigned to the chosen object or subject.

3. Create a sentence that combines the personification with descriptive language to vividly describe the scene or situation. Use imagery, figurative language, and wordplay to add depth and humor to your sentence.

For example, let's say you want to personify a lazy old couch. You could write:

"The lazy old couch, adorned in worn-out cushions that sag like an exhausted marathon runner, groaned with sleepy delight as it swallowed unsuspecting victims into its fluffy abyss, savoring the dubious privilege of being the ultimate napping command-center."

In this sentence, the couch is personified as a sleepy, devouring entity, adding humor to the description. The vivid imagery of sagging cushions and wordplay with "napping command-center" enhances the funny personification, creating a level 7 descriptive sentence.