I am writing a 300 word short story(or a "'personal' narrative essay") for the prompt: lessons we learn affect one's future.

So far I have a general idea: I want the lesson to be loyalty and truth and I want the effect to be that the character would learn to appreciate and stay true to everything. I have a really stupid idea, but it will work for this exam.

This protag.'s mother lied a lot, and lied more to cover up other lies. Does anyone have suggestions on 1-2 specific examples(that aren't too cliche like cheating on woman for another one etc.) to depict his mother's lying?

There is a dog who got put down by the protag.'s mother but his/her mother lied to this guy since childhood about this very dear dog. This protag is autistic. One day, protag is told the truth by his father when his mother died of some disease. Boy's childhood and perception of world was ruined at a very young age- shocked him(kind of like how survivors of war are always somewhat...scarred).

write a 300 words story narrative

In order to come up with specific examples of the mother's lies that depict her dishonesty and the impact it has on the protagonist, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the character's background: Consider the protagonist's family dynamics, his mother's tendencies, and how they have shaped his perception of the world. This will help you create believable and relevant examples.

2. Brainstorm potential lies: Think about situations in which the mother could have lied to the protagonist. These lies should reflect a recurring pattern of dishonesty, showing that the mother was consistently deceitful.

3. Choose specific examples: Select 1-2 examples that demonstrate the mother's deception effectively but avoid overly cliché scenarios like cheating. Instead, think of lies that directly impact the protagonist's emotions and trust.

Potential examples could include:
a) The missing dog: As you mentioned, the mother could have lied to the protagonist about the dog's disappearance or even its death. The revelation of this lie upon the mother's death could be a significant turning point for the protagonist, revealing the extent of his mother's dishonesty and leaving him devastated.

b) False familial relationships: Another example could involve the mother deceiving the protagonist about his true biological father, instead leading him to believe in a false paternal figure. The revelation of this lie could create feelings of confusion, betrayal, and a distorted understanding of family loyalty.

Remember to focus on the impact these lies have on the protagonist's trust, perception of the world, and his ability to form authentic connections with others. This will help illustrate the idea that lessons about loyalty and truth can profoundly shape one's future.