I am trying to explain:

Assess the impact of globalization on the U.S. criminal justice system.
Compare and contrast international criminal justice systems (Civil Law, Common law, and Islamic Law and Socialist Law traditions).
Discuss the impact that cyber crime and technology have had on worldwide justice systems.
Differentiate the policing systems on a worldwide scale.
Identify major crimes and criminal issues that have a global impact on justice systems and processes (e.g., Somalia, Rwanda, Bosnia, Darfur, Congo, etc.).

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To explain these topics effectively, it would be helpful to break them down into separate explanations. Let's start with the first topic:

1. Assess the impact of globalization on the U.S. criminal justice system:
To assess the impact of globalization on the U.S. criminal justice system, you can follow these steps:
a. Understand the concept of globalization: Start by understanding what globalization means. It refers to the increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of countries through the exchange of goods, services, information, and ideas.
b. Identify the impact of globalization on the U.S. criminal justice system: Research and analyze how globalization has influenced various aspects of the U.S. criminal justice system. Consider areas like international cooperation in law enforcement, cross-border crime, extradition, and the sharing of information and intelligence among countries.
c. Evaluate the positive and negative effects: Once you have identified the impact, assess the positive and negative effects of globalization on the U.S. criminal justice system. For example, globalization may have enhanced international cooperation in dealing with transnational crimes but could also pose challenges in terms of jurisdictional issues and legal complexities.

Moving on to the second topic:

2. Compare and contrast international criminal justice systems:
Comparing and contrasting international criminal justice systems requires a comparative analysis of different legal traditions. Here's how you can approach it:
a. Identify the legal traditions: Identify the major legal traditions around the world, namely the Civil Law, Common Law, Islamic Law, and Socialist Law traditions.
b. Research each legal tradition: Study the principles, practices, and institutions associated with each legal tradition. Detail their historical development, core principles, sources of law, procedural differences, and notable features.
c. Compare and contrast the criminal justice systems: Analyze and highlight the similarities and differences between the criminal justice systems derived from each legal tradition. This can include elements such as the role of judges, legal precedents, burden of proof, evidentiary standards, and approaches to punishment.

Let's move on to the third topic:

3. Discuss the impact of cyber crime and technology on worldwide justice systems:
To discuss the impact of cyber crime and technology on worldwide justice systems, follow these steps:
a. Understand the concept of cyber crime: Familiarize yourself with the different types of cyber crimes, including hacking, identity theft, online fraud, and cyber terrorism. Understand how these crimes are conducted and their potential impact on individuals, businesses, and governments.
b. Research the relationship between technology and justice systems: Explore how technology has facilitated new forms of criminal activity as well as expanded the capabilities of law enforcement agencies in detecting, preventing, and investigating such crimes.
c. Analyze the impact on worldwide justice systems: Evaluate how cyber crime has affected worldwide justice systems, including challenges faced by law enforcement agencies, legal frameworks, cross-border cooperation, and international cyber security efforts.

Next, let's discuss the fourth topic:

4. Differentiate policing systems on a worldwide scale:
To differentiate policing systems on a worldwide scale, follow these steps:
a. Explore different policing models: Research and understand the diverse policing models used around the world. Examples include the community policing model, paramilitary policing, centralized or decentralized systems, and proactive or reactive approaches.
b. Identify key characteristics and principles: Examine the key characteristics and principles underlying each policing system. This can include factors like the role of the police, levels of authority, use of force, accountability mechanisms, and community engagement.
c. Compare and contrast policing systems: Compare the different policing systems based on the identified characteristics and principles. Highlight the similarities and differences between policing approaches, organizational structures, training methods, and the relationship between the police and the community.

Finally, let's address the fifth topic:

5. Identify major crimes and criminal issues with a global impact on justice systems:
To identify major crimes and criminal issues that have a global impact on justice systems, follow these steps:
a. Research global criminal issues: Investigate major crimes and criminal issues that have had significant impacts on justice systems worldwide. Examples can include war crimes, genocide, transnational organized crime, terrorism, drug trafficking, human trafficking, and cybercrime.
b. Study specific case studies: Analyze specific cases from countries or regions like Somalia, Rwanda, Bosnia, Darfur, Congo, etc., where major crimes have occurred. Understand the nature of the crimes, their impact on justice systems, and the responses of international organizations, governments, and courts.
c. Evaluate the global response: Assess how these crimes have been addressed at an international level. Examine the role of international criminal tribunals, conventions, treaties, and initiatives aimed at dealing with such crimes and ensuring justice and accountability.

Remember, the purpose of explaining these topics is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Researching and analyzing various sources such as academic papers, books, legal documents, and reliable online resources will help you gather the necessary information to explain these topics effectively.