The emission of high energy particles from the nucleus of an atom is called

A. radioactivity
B. electromagnetism
C. transmutation
D. radioactive dating

I said A. as my answer. The definition of radioactivity is worded differently in my book though so I wanted to check if my answer was right. Thank you!

I agree with A

Yes, you are correct. The emission of high energy particles from the nucleus of an atom is called radioactivity. Radioactivity is the spontaneous emission of radiation, such as alpha particles, beta particles, or gamma rays, from the nucleus of an unstable atom in order to attain a more stable state.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the options:

A. Radioactivity is the correct answer. It refers to the emission of high-energy particles from the nucleus of an atom. These particles can be alpha particles (helium nuclei), beta particles (electrons or positrons), or gamma rays (high-frequency electromagnetic radiation).

B. Electromagnetism is not the correct answer because it refers to the interaction between electrically charged particles through electric and magnetic fields.

C. Transmutation is not the correct answer. Transmutation refers to the process of one element transforming into another through nuclear reactions, but it does not specifically refer to the emission of high-energy particles.

D. Radioactive dating is not the correct answer either. While radioactivity is used in radioactive dating, it does not encompass the broader concept of the emission of high-energy particles from the nucleus.

Therefore, based on the given options, your answer of A. radioactivity is correct.