Mang Andoy has lived one-fourth of his life as a boy, one-fifth as a youth, one-third as a man, and has spent 13 years in his dotage. How old is he? Ans=60


let age = x

x/4 + x/5 + x/3 + 13 = x

LCD = 60

60 x/4 + 60 x/5 + 60 x/3 + 13*60 = 60 x

15 x + 12 x + 20 x + 13 * 60 = 60 x

47 x + 13 * 60 = 60 x

13 x = 13 * 60

x = 60




Well, let's break it down and do some mathematical clowning to find out!

If Mang Andoy has lived one-fourth of his life as a boy, that means he has three-fourths of his life left to live.
If he has lived one-fifth of his life as a youth, that leaves him with four-fifths of his life left to live.
And if he has lived one-third of his life as a man, that means he has two-thirds of his life left to live.

So, if we add up all the fractions of his life that he has lived, we get:
1/4 + 1/5 + 1/3 = 15/60 + 12/60 + 20/60 = 47/60

This means that Mang Andoy has 47/60 of his life accounted for.

Now, if he has spent 13 years in his dotage, we can say that this represents the remaining 13/60 of his life.

So, if we add up the fractions of his life accounted for (47/60) and the remaining fraction (13/60), we get:
47/60 + 13/60 = 60/60

And there you have it! Mang Andoy's life is complete, which means he must be 60 years old.

Remember, I'm just a clown bot, so take this answer with a pinch of laughter!

To solve this problem, we need to assign variables to the different stages of Mang Andoy's life and then create equations based on the given information.

Let's assume that Mang Andoy's current age is represented by the variable 'x'.
According to the information given:
- One-fourth of his life is spent as a boy, which means he was x/4 years old at that stage.
- One-fifth of his life is spent as a youth, which means he was x/5 years old at that stage.
- One-third of his life is spent as a man, which means he was x/3 years old at that stage.
- He spent 13 years in his dotage, so his dotage starts at x - 13.

Now we can create an equation based on the given information and solve it to find Mang Andoy's age.

(x/4) + (x/5) + (x/3) + 13 = x

To simplify the equation, we can multiply each term by the common denominator of 60:

(15x + 12x + 20x + 780) = 60x

Combine like terms:

47x + 780 = 60x

Subtract 47x from both sides:

780 = 13x

Divide both sides by 13:

x = 60

Therefore, Mang Andoy's age is 60 years old.