In “The Birthmark,” what does the birthmark represent for the two main characters, Aylmer and Georgiana? At the end of the story, what does the birthmark come to symbolize?

I read the story I just don't understand the question

What don't you understand?

I don't know how to simplify these to questions.

The only way I could rephrase is to ask what the birthmark means to the characters and how does that meaning change by the end of the story.

* two

"The Birthmark" is a short story written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. To understand the significance of the birthmark for the two main characters, Aylmer and Georgiana, and what it comes to symbolize at the end of the story, we need to analyze the narrative and the characters' perspectives.

In the story, Georgiana has a small, hand-shaped birthmark on her cheek, which she views as a flaw. However, Aylmer, her husband and a scientist obsessed with perfection, sees the birthmark as a blemish that he believes he can remove, thereby making Georgiana completely perfect. Aylmer's belief in the power of science and his desire for perfection drive his obsession to remove the birthmark.

For Aylmer, the birthmark represents imperfection and mortality. It symbolizes his rejection of anything that falls short of perfection and his belief that science can conquer all human flaws. He becomes consumed with the idea of removing the birthmark, believing that it is the source of all Georgiana's imperfections, both physical and spiritual.

On the other hand, for Georgiana, the birthmark symbolizes her mortality and the unique individuality that sets her apart from others. She is initially self-conscious about it, but she gradually begins to accept and even embrace her birthmark as a part of her identity.

At the end of the story, when Aylmer finally succeeded in removing the birthmark, it comes to symbolize the tragic consequences of trying to achieve an unattainable and unrealistic idea of perfection. As the birthmark disappears, Georgiana's life force diminishes, and she dies. The birthmark, in this context, represents the boundary between the natural and the supernatural, the finite and the infinite. Its removal ultimately leads to Georgiana's spiritual disconnection from the earthly realm.

To fully grasp the symbolism and meaning of the birthmark in the story, it is essential to analyze the themes of human nature, mortality, the pursuit of perfection, and the consequences of tampering with nature.