So we did this lab about how we are to measure the half life of the beta decay of indium 116 (the indium 116 is captured by indium 115 and undergoes beta decay to become tin 116. Since the Indium 116 I reused I understand that every time we use it, the indium 116 becomes a little bit more tin


What I don't understand is how to consider the effects of short lived and long lived contaminants (separately) and how it will change the values and effect the graph?

To consider the effects of short-lived and long-lived contaminants separately and understand how they can change the values and affect the graph, follow these steps:

1. Identify the short-lived and long-lived contaminants in your experiment. Short-lived contaminants are radioactive isotopes that decay relatively quickly (within a short period of time), while long-lived contaminants have a longer half-life.

2. Determine the half-lives of the short-lived and long-lived contaminants. This information can typically be found in a database or provided by your instructor.

3. Calculate the activity of the short-lived and long-lived contaminants at different times during the experiment. The activity of a radioactive substance is the rate at which it undergoes decay, and it is measured in terms of decays per second or becquerels (Bq).

4. Plot separate graphs for the short-lived and long-lived contaminants, with the activity on the y-axis and time on the x-axis. This will allow you to visualize how the activity changes over time for each contaminant.

5. Analyze the graphs to understand how the short-lived and long-lived contaminants affect the overall measurements and data.

- For the short-lived contaminants: Initially, their activity will be high. However, as time passes, the activity decreases rapidly due to their short half-life. This can result in a sharp decline in the overall activity, which may affect the accuracy of the measurements if not properly accounted for.

- For the long-lived contaminants: Their activity remains relatively constant over a longer period of time, as they decay at a slower rate due to their longer half-life. This can result in a more gradual decline in the overall activity, which may have a less significant impact on the measurements compared to the short-lived contaminants.

6. Adjust your measurements and calculations accordingly to account for the effects of short-lived and long-lived contaminants. This might involve subtracting the contribution of the contaminants from the measured activity or applying corrections based on their known decay rates.

By considering the effects of short-lived and long-lived contaminants separately and understanding their influence on the measurements and graph, you can improve the accuracy and reliability of your results in determining the half-life of the beta decay process of Indium 116.

To consider the effects of short-lived and long-lived contaminants when measuring the half-life of the beta decay of indium-116, you need to understand their impact on the measurements and how they can affect the graph.

Short-lived contaminants:
1. Definition: Short-lived contaminants are radioactive isotopes that have a relatively short half-life. These isotopes decay quickly and can influence the rate of decay of the indium-116 you are measuring.
2. Effect on measurements: Short-lived contaminants can contribute additional decay events during the experiment, leading to an increased background radiation level. This, in turn, increases the count rate of the decay events, making it more challenging to accurately measure the half-life of indium-116.
3. Effect on the graph: The presence of short-lived contaminants can cause a higher count rate initially, leading to a steeper slope in the initial part of the decay curve. This may result in a deviation from the expected exponential decay pattern of indium-116.

Long-lived contaminants:
1. Definition: Long-lived contaminants are radioactive isotopes that have a significantly longer half-life compared to indium-116. These isotopes decay slowly and might affect the accuracy of the measured half-life.
2. Effect on measurements: Long-lived contaminants have a prolonged presence, contributing a steady level of background radiation throughout the experiment. This can obscure the decay events of the indium-116 and make it challenging to discern the true decay curve.
3. Effect on the graph: The presence of long-lived contaminants can cause a higher baseline count rate, resulting in an elevated level of background radiation. This might lead to a less distinct decay curve and potentially reduce the accuracy of determining the half-life of indium-116.

In order to minimize the impact of short-lived and long-lived contaminants, it is crucial to:
- Implement suitable shielding and background measurements to reduce the influence of external radiation sources.
- Use appropriate statistical techniques to analyze the data and differentiate the decay events of indium-116 from the background radiation.
- Conduct multiple trials to identify consistent patterns and reduce the effects of random fluctuations caused by contaminants.
- Perform thorough data analysis, including outlier identification and removal, to ensure accurate determination of the half-life.

Taking these considerations into account will allow you to understand the effects of short-lived and long-lived contaminants during the measurement of the half-life of the beta decay of indium-116 and help mitigate their impact on the results and graph.