Darren the astronaut traveled to Planet U-427, a planet that is as big as Earth but is half the mass of Earth. What can you say about Darren's weight in this planet?

Since weight varies directly with mass, Darren's weight would be half as much as on earth, given the same radius of the planet.

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When Darren the astronaut traveled to Planet U-427, a planet that is as big as Earth but half the mass, we can say that his weight on this planet would be different than his weight on Earth.

To understand Darren's weight on Planet U-427, we need to understand the concept of weight in relation to mass and gravity. Weight is the force exerted by gravity on an object, and it is determined by the mass of the object and the strength of the gravitational field it is in.

On Earth, the strength of the gravitational field is constant, which means that mass and weight are directly proportional. So, if Darren has a mass of 'm' kilograms on Earth, his weight on Earth would be 'W' newtons, using the equation W = m * g, where 'g' is the acceleration due to gravity on Earth (approximately 9.8 m/s^2).

However, on Planet U-427, although it is as big as Earth, it has half the mass. This means that the acceleration due to gravity on Planet U-427, let's call it 'gU', would be different than Earth's 'g'.

Since Darren's mass remains the same regardless of the planet he is on, we can use the same equation to find his weight on Planet U-427: WU = m * gU.

Considering that the mass 'm' is the same and 'gU' is different due to the lower mass of the planet, we can conclude that Darren's weight on Planet U-427 would be less than his weight on Earth.

To calculate the actual weight on Planet U-427, we need information about the acceleration due to gravity on the planet. Unfortunately, that information is not provided in the question.