Q1.Plot three points with first coordinate equal to (-2.8) and join them.

since the x-coordinate is the same for all of the points, they lie on a vertical line.

So, just pick any three values for y and plot the points. For example,

(-2.8,0) (-2.8,-5) (-2.8,1.73)

Plot three points with first coordinate equal to (-2.8) and join them.

To plot three points with the first coordinate equal to -2.8 and join them, follow these steps:

Step 1: Plot the first point (-2.8, y1):
- Choose any value for y1. Let's say y1 = 3.
- Plot the point (-2.8, 3) on the graph.

Step 2: Plot the second point (-2.8, y2):
- Choose any value for y2. Let's say y2 = -1.
- Plot the point (-2.8, -1) on the graph.

Step 3: Plot the third point (-2.8, y3):
- Choose any value for y3. Let's say y3 = 5.
- Plot the point (-2.8, 5) on the graph.

Step 4: Join the three points:
- Draw a line connecting the three points (-2.8, 3), (-2.8, -1), and (-2.8, 5).

Now you have plotted three points with the first coordinate equal to -2.8 and joined them.

To plot three points with the first coordinate equal to (-2.8) and join them, you will need to specify the second and third coordinates for each point. Let's assume the second coordinates are 1, 5, and -3, and the third coordinates are -4, 2, and 0, respectively.

Step 1: Open a graph paper or use a graphing tool.
Step 2: Locate the point (-2.8, 1) on the graph by counting 2.8 units to the left from the origin (0,0) on the x-axis and 1 unit up on the y-axis. Mark this point as Point A.
Step 3: Locate the point (-2.8, 5) on the graph by counting 2.8 units to the left from the origin (0,0) on the x-axis and 5 units up on the y-axis. Mark this point as Point B.
Step 4: Locate the point (-2.8, -3) on the graph by counting 2.8 units to the left from the origin (0,0) on the x-axis and 3 units down on the y-axis. Mark this point as Point C.
Step 5: Join the three points, A, B, and C, with a straight line to create the desired plot.

Note: The specific coordinates mentioned in this explanation are just for example purposes. You can choose any valid coordinates to plot the points.