In art, economy is using these elements to express something without overdoing it.

I don't understand what exactly i have to explain here. Can someone at least give me little details.

In art, economy refers to the concept of using limited elements or resources to express something without going overboard or being excessive. It involves a deliberate, minimalistic approach to convey meaning or evoke emotions through careful selection and arrangement of elements.

To better understand the concept of economy in art, let's break down the key elements involved:

1. Selectivity: Economy requires artists to be selective in their choices. Instead of using all available elements, they choose only a few necessary ones that are essential for their intended expression. This involves purposeful elimination or reduction of extraneous details, focusing solely on what is vital.

2. Composition: The arrangement and organization of the selected elements play a crucial role in achieving economy. Artists utilize space, color, lines, shapes, textures, and other visual elements to create a balanced and cohesive composition. The purpose is to convey the desired message or evoke emotions with minimalistic means.

3. Abstraction: Economy often involves abstraction, where artists simplify or distill their subject matter into its essential forms. By eliminating excessive details and focusing on the core elements, they allow the viewer to interpret and engage with the artwork more actively.

4. Subtlety: Economical art tends to be subtle in its approach. Instead of being overtly explicit or direct, it invites viewers to participate actively and interpret the artwork based on their own experiences and perspectives.

Overall, economy in art is about achieving maximum impact and resonance with minimal means. It challenges artists to be thoughtful in their choices, to edit and refine their work, and to trust in the power of simplicity and restraint.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the concept of economy in art.