A child’s spiritual growth can be measured in terms of his or her ability to trust, to give love willingly, and to:

a.give the most money at worship services.
b.attend worship services regularly.
c.accept self and others.
d.spend time praying every day.

And your answer is?

Again, I agree. :-)

To answer this question, we need to understand what spiritual growth means and how it can be measured. Spiritual growth refers to the development of an individual's inner spirituality, their connection with themselves, others, and the larger world. It involves personal values, beliefs, and ethical conduct.

The options provided are a-give the most money at worship services, b-attend worship services regularly, c-accept self and others, and d-spend time praying every day. Among these options, the one that best aligns with the concept of spiritual growth is c-accept self and others.

Spiritual growth is not solely about external practices such as donating money or attending religious services. While these can be part of an individual's spiritual journey, they should not be seen as the sole measure of one's spiritual growth. True spiritual growth involves qualities like trust, love, compassion, gratitude, self-acceptance, and acceptance of others.

In the given options, the ability to accept oneself and others encompasses a broader sense of spiritual growth. Acceptance promotes the development of empathy, understanding, and love for oneself and others. It allows for the growth of trust within relationships and fosters a deeper connection with the surrounding world.

To measure a child's spiritual growth in terms of their ability to trust, give love willingly, and accept self and others, we can observe their behavior and attitude in various situations. We can look for signs of their ability to trust others, show love without reservations, and approach themselves and others with acceptance and understanding.

It's important to note that spiritual growth is a deeply personal and individual journey, and it can develop differently in each person, including children. As parents, caregivers, or teachers, it's crucial to provide a nourishing and accepting environment that encourages the child's spiritual growth while allowing them to explore and develop their own unique beliefs, values, and understanding of spirituality.