What is the homestate of Samuel Adams, Richard Henry Lee,John Adams, Ben Franklin, and Robert Livingston?

Go to Google, type in the name of the person followed by the word, biography.

You will get the birthplace of each of those people with not problem at all.

example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_Adams

To find the home states of Samuel Adams, Richard Henry Lee, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Robert Livingston, we need to do a quick search.

First, let's start with Samuel Adams. Open a search engine and type in "Samuel Adams home state." The search results should tell you that Samuel Adams was from Massachusetts.

Next, let's move on to Richard Henry Lee. Search for "Richard Henry Lee home state." The results will show that Richard Henry Lee was from Virginia.

Now, let's find John Adams' home state. Conduct a search for "John Adams home state." You will discover that John Adams was also from Massachusetts.

For Benjamin Franklin, search for "Benjamin Franklin home state." The search results will indicate that Benjamin Franklin was from Pennsylvania.

Finally, search for "Robert Livingston home state." You will find that Robert Livingston was from New York.

So, to summarize:
- Samuel Adams: Massachusetts
- Richard Henry Lee: Virginia
- John Adams: Massachusetts
- Benjamin Franklin: Pennsylvania
- Robert Livingston: New York