What is the written form of the number 98?

The grocery bill came to 98 dollars and thirty cents.

ninety eight


What do you think?

what i think its B. because it is one word

You are right. :-)

my sister told me that it supposed to have a hyphen because it is one word for the word for two digit numbers

Your sister is right.


YAy thankyou ,< )

so you have to have a hyphen for every 2 digit number and a number fraction too?


thankyou so much i couldn't done it without you < )


The written form of the number 98 is "ninety-eight."

To determine the correct written form, you should follow these guidelines:

1. Write out the tens digit, which in this case is 90.
2. Insert a hyphen ("-") between the tens and ones digits to separate them.
3. Write out the ones digit, which in this case is 8.

Therefore, the correct written form is "ninety-eight," which means option B is the correct answer.