many solutions are there to the equations below?


since you have

8x+47 = 8x+40

there are no solutions

To find the number of solutions for the equation 8x + 47 = 8(x + 5), we need to simplify and solve the equation.

Step 1: Distribute the 8 on the right side of the equation:
8x + 47 = 8x + 40

Step 2: Simplify the equation by canceling out like terms:
-8x + 8x + 47 = -8x + 8x + 40
47 = 40

Step 3: Analyze the equation:
Since the variable x cancels out from both sides, we are left with a contradiction (47 = 40), which means there is no possible value of x that satisfies the equation.

The given equation has no solution.