the story mice of men... chapter four

1.does crooks believe the men will be able to get their farm?

I've never heard of "Mice of Men." Are you sure this is the right title? Who is the author?

Oops it's called off mice and men

Of i mean

Oh he doesn't but he does want it to be true

To find out if Crooks believes that the men will be able to get their farm in Chapter Four of the novel "Of Mice and Men," you would need to read and analyze the text. Here's how you can do it:

1. Obtain a copy of the book "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck. You can find a physical copy at your local library or purchase an e-book version online.
2. Locate Chapter Four in the book. The chapter numbers should be clearly marked in the table of contents or at the beginning of each chapter.
3. Read through the chapter carefully, paying attention to any dialogue or thoughts expressed by the character Crooks.
4. Look for any instances where Crooks discusses or expresses his thoughts on the possibility of the men achieving their dream of owning a farm. These could include conversations with other characters, his own inner monologue, or observations made by the narrator.
5. Take note of the specific passages or quotes that reveal Crooks' beliefs about the men's chances of obtaining the farm. These passages could provide insight into Crooks' perspective on the matter.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the necessary information to determine Crooks' stance on whether or not the men will be able to get their farm in Chapter Four of "Of Mice and Men."