you can rent a car for the day from company A for $26 plus $0.12 a mile company B charges $24.00 plus $ 0.19 a mile. Find the number of miles m (to the nearest mile) per day for which it is cheaper to rent from company A

To find the number of miles per day for which it is cheaper to rent from company A, we need to compare the total cost from both companies and determine the point at which company A becomes cheaper.

Let's set up an equation to represent the total cost from company A:

Cost_A = $26 + $0.12 * m

And the total cost from company B:

Cost_B = $24 + $0.19 * m

To find the number of miles per day where company A is cheaper, we need to set the two equations equal to each other and solve for 'm':

$26 + $0.12 * m = $24 + $0.19 * m

We can simplify this equation by subtracting $24 from both sides:

$26 - $24 + $0.12 * m = $0.19 * m

Simplifying further:

$2 + $0.12 * m = $0.19 * m

Now, let's isolate 'm' by subtracting $0.12 * m from both sides:

$2 = $0.19 * m - $0.12 * m

Combining like terms:

$2 = $0.07 * m

Next, divide both sides of the equation by $0.07:

($2) / ($0.07) = m

m ≈ 28.57

Rounding to the nearest mile, the number of miles per day for which it is cheaper to rent from company A is 29 miles.

you want, for m miles,

26+.12m = 24+.19m