Which one of the following statements about making your writing fun to read is not correct? 

A. Direct quotations should be reserved for characters in stories.
B. An anecdote or humorous quotation is often more convincing than a strong argument.
C. The conversation you write must sound natural for the characters.
D. Give your writing a personal touch by showing that you're interested in your subject.

A or B?

One of those is correct. Which do you think is right?

I think B?

Nope. Humorous anecdotes and quotations help make writing fun to read.

But your question asks which does NOT help make writing fun.

Ohh so A would make more sense.


To determine which one of the statements is not correct, we can analyze each option and understand whether it aligns with the principles of making writing fun to read.

A. Direct quotations should be reserved for characters in stories.
This statement suggests that direct quotations should only be used for characters in stories, which is not necessarily true. Direct quotations can be employed in various forms of writing, such as essays, articles, and even in non-fiction books, to add authenticity, support arguments, or provide evidence.

B. An anecdote or humorous quotation is often more convincing than a strong argument.
This statement implies that an anecdote or humorous quotation may be more persuasive than a strong argument. However, this is not correct. While anecdotal evidence, personal stories, or humorous quotations can bring an emotional appeal and engage readers, they should not replace well-constructed, logical arguments or evidence-based reasoning.

C. The conversation you write must sound natural for the characters.
This statement is correct. When writing dialogue or conversations between characters, it is vital to make it sound authentic and natural. This helps to create relatable and engaging interactions for the readers.

D. Give your writing a personal touch by showing that you're interested in your subject.
This statement is also correct. Infusing your writing with your personal enthusiasm for the subject can make it more interesting and engaging. Showcasing your passion can help capture the reader's attention and make the writing more enjoyable.

Based on the analysis above, the statement that is not correct is B. An anecdote or humorous quotation is often more convincing than a strong argument.