Which of the following word pairs best shows the differences between the American town and the Tang town?

seedy vs. proud
dingy vs. colorful
disorderly vs. calm*
prosperous vs. impoverished

The answers for connexus are!!!!...

1.)A & B
2.)A & C

Trust me I got a hundred!!!!

boo is 100%%% right!!!!!!!!!!

good job boohoo

good job good job boohoo

good job good job good job boohoo

good job good job good job good job boohoo

To determine which word pair best shows the differences between the American town and the Tang town, we need to analyze the meanings of each word and compare them to the two towns.

1. Seedy vs. Proud: "Seedy" refers to something run-down, shabby, or disreputable, while "proud" suggests a sense of dignity, esteem, or high self-regard. This word pair doesn't give much insight into the differences between the two towns.

2. Dingy vs. Colorful: "Dingy" implies something dirty, faded, or lacking in brightness, whereas "colorful" suggests vibrancy, liveliness, and diversity. While this word pair provides some contrast, it mainly addresses the visual aspects and may not capture the full spectrum of differences between the two towns.

3. Disorderly vs. Calm: "Disorderly" refers to a lack of order, chaos, or unruliness, while "calm" signifies a peaceful, tranquil, or harmonious environment. This word pair highlights a significant contrast between the two towns, suggesting that one town is characterized by disorder and the other by calmness.

4. Prosperous vs. Impoverished: "Prosperous" denotes wealth, success, or economic well-being, while "impoverished" suggests a lack of resources, poverty, or deprivation. Although this word pair indicates an economic difference between the towns, it may not fully capture all the distinctions beyond financial aspects.

Considering the question asks for the word pair that "best shows the differences," the most suitable answer would be "disorderly vs. calm." However, it's essential to carefully analyze the context and information provided about the American and Tang towns to make a more accurate assessment.