Does this look good? It's about Piracy and my position.

Computer Piracy

What is piracy? Are there pirates running around on the Internet? Piracy is theft, you’re stealing copyrighted work. You’re not stealing if you buy a book, a song on iTunes, or a movie off of a shelf or online. Piracy is when you take something that doesn’t belong to you without paying for it. It also can mean that someone has copied a song, a movie, or a game and they’re selling it or even giving it away illegally. If a company, artist, or whoever holds the copyright doesn’t give you permission to download, sell or redistribute the material, that’s illegal.

I don’t think piracy should be legal because artists should get paid for their work. If people are stealing movies, games and music then it’s not fair to the artist or other consumers who paid for it. If I walk down the street and steal someone’s car, I would go to jail. Stealing is the same as piracy. Just because something is digital and I can’t hold it in my hands doesn’t mean I can just take it.

I believe that copyrighted work should be protected. Criminal penalties for people who have committed piracy more than once can be sent to prison for 5 years and will have to pay $250,000 in fines. Even if the offender didn’t do it on purpose, like downloading a ‘free’ movie from the Internet from an illegal site, they are still responsible. It can be really tempting to download something for free that you shouldn’t because you think you’re not going to get caught but it’s important to know that anyone can get caught. You’re not only hurting yourself but you’re also hurting the artist who created the movie/music/game. Copyrighted work should be protected and people should be educated.

Your positions stated are very good.

that is very good

This is a comma splice: "Piracy is theft, you’re stealing copyrighted work."

How will you fix it? How will you make sure there are no other comma splices or runons in the rest of your paper?

This is an odd sentence: "I don’t think piracy should be legal." Piracy IS illegal!! Who is proposing that it be legalized?

And if I were you, I'd rephrase everything so there are no instances of "you" or any of its forms in your paper.

This is an opinion piece about piracy and the author's stance on it. The author defines piracy as the act of stealing copyrighted work, such as downloading or distributing material without permission. They argue against piracy, stating that artists should be paid for their work and that piracy is unfair to both the artist and consumers who have paid for the content.

To support their argument, the author compares piracy to stealing a physical item like a car, stating that the consequences should be similar. They believe that copyright infringement should be treated seriously, with criminal penalties including possible imprisonment and hefty fines.

The author also notes that even unintentional acts of piracy, such as downloading a movie from an illegal website, still hold responsibility and can have consequences. They emphasize the importance of understanding that anyone can get caught and that piracy not only affects the individual but also harms the artists who create the content.

Overall, the author's position is against piracy, advocating for the protection of copyrighted work and the education of people about the consequences of engaging in piracy.