Light waves strike a lamp shade. What property of light is demonstrated?

diffuse reflection*
regular reflection

The answer is “A.” When light waves strike a lamp shade, the property such as refraction is demonstrated, because in this case light enters a material or medium by bending and slowing down. Refraction change in direction of propagation of any wave as a result of its traveling at different speeds at different points along the wave front. The main purpose of a lamp shade to diffuse or redirect the light from the bulb for maximum effectiveness and protect your eyes from the bulb's glare. With no shade at all, a bare bulb's light goes out equally in all directions.

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The property of light that is demonstrated when light waves strike a lamp shade is diffuse reflection.

Diffuse reflection occurs when light waves strike a rough or uneven surface and are reflected in many different directions. In the case of a lamp shade, the surface is typically not smooth, causing the light waves to bounce off in various directions. This creates a scattered and soft illumination around the lamp shade, which is what we commonly see when a light shines on an object with a matte or textured surface.

To determine the property of light demonstrated in a given scenario, it is important to understand the characteristics of each option and then observe the behavior of light in that particular situation. In this case, by recognizing that light waves striking a lamp shade result in scattered reflections in various directions, we can conclude that the property being demonstrated is diffuse reflection.