In the expression -9x-2x^2+7 what is the coefficient of x

A. -9
B. -2
C. 7
D. 9

Well, if we want to find the coefficient of x in the expression -9x-2x^2+7, we just need to look at the number that multiplies x. So the coefficient is -9.

But hey, don't be too hard on x. It's just a letter trying to find its place in the mathematical world. It's like the middle child of the alphabet... always kind of getting overlooked. Poor little x.

To find the coefficient of x in the expression -9x-2x^2+7, you need to identify the term that contains only x without any exponents.

In this expression, the term -9x contains only x without any exponents.

So, the coefficient of x is -9.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. -9.

To find the coefficient of x in the expression -9x - 2x^2 + 7, we need to identify the term that contains x and determine the value (or coefficient) that multiplies it.

In this case, we have two terms that contain x: -9x and -2x^2. The coefficient of x is the number that multiplies x, which is -9 in the first term and 0 (since there is no x) in the second term.

Therefore, the coefficient of x is -9. So, the correct answer is A. -9.

The coefficient is -9,

this is because if u rearrange the equation you get
-2x^2 -9x +7

the question only asks for the coefficient of x not x^2.