Traditional africam marriage is an advantage for men only, no women. Plz halp me people plzzz

I wish someone would tell us what is meant by a "traditional African marriage."

I think it's some lazy person's way to write a broad enough question for which there is no correct answer so that students do research and write essays.

It's about as helpful a term as "oriental," in my opinion.

I agree, Writeacher.

I wonder if Clitoridectomy and infibulation are part of this "traditional African marriage."

I wouldn't doubt it.


Jiskha tutors have tried and tried to find out what is meant by a traditional African marriage. Since no one has answered us, it appears to be an impossible question. It's inappropriate for an academic forum.

After this, I'll simply delete any questions about this.

I think you are overreacting

I understand that you have a question about traditional African marriage and its advantages for men. It is important to approach this topic with sensitivity and recognize that African societies and cultures are diverse, with different customs and practices. While there may be certain traditional practices that disproportionately benefit men, it is not accurate to generalize and assume that all traditional African marriages solely favor men and disadvantage women.

To gain a deeper understanding of traditional African marriage practices, it is crucial to study the specific customs, traditions, and cultural norms of different African societies or countries. You can achieve this by conducting research through various sources such as books, academic articles, documentaries, and interviews with individuals familiar with African culture. It is essential to consult reliable and well-researched materials to avoid perpetuating stereotypes or overlooking the diverse experiences of African women in marriage.

It's worth noting that gender dynamics and societal norms evolve over time, and there are ongoing efforts to address gender inequalities in various African communities. As societies progress, traditional practices may adapt and change to become more inclusive and equitable.

If you have any specific questions about a particular African culture or tradition, please let me know, and I'll be happy to assist you further.