.   Which of the following sentences has a dangling modifier? 

A. The dog that is man's best friend is cat's worst enemy.
B. On the way to the bank, the interest rates went down."
C. By the light of the moon, I tripped over a rock.
D. When the storm began to abate, we went home.




Thank you Ms.Sue and Writeacher!

Which of the following is correct in regard to the use of formal English? 

 A. Formal English is used more frequently in speaking than in writing.
B. In formal business correspondence, it's best keep the language impersonal.
C. Contractions are considered acceptable in any document.
D. In formal English, we use words to say precisely what we mean.

I am stuck on this one,and for sure I know it's not B and C.

I am saying D.

D is right.

20.   Choose the connective that belongs in the blank in the following sentence.

Everyone appeared to be having a good time. _______, my impressions may have been wrong. 

A. In other words
B. Furthermore
C. In fact
D. Of course

I am thinking between A and C am I correct?

No I change my mind it's D.

I agree with D.

Yes, Sentence B "On the way to the bank, the interest rates went down" contains a dangling modifier.

To identify a dangling modifier, you need to check if there is a phrase at the beginning of the sentence that describes or modifies something, but the subject of that modifier is unclear or missing from the sentence.

In this case, the phrase "On the way to the bank" is a dangling modifier because it doesn't have a clear subject. It implies that the interest rates were on their way to the bank, but interest rates are not capable of physically moving. This sentence could be revised to remove the dangling modifier by rephrasing it as "While on my way to the bank, I noticed that the interest rates had gone down."