1. You look like your mother.

2. You take after your mother.
3. You resemble your mother.
4. You are similar to your mother.
5. You are like your mother.
Are they all the same in meaning? Which ones are commonly used?

All might be commonly used. The first three mean a similarity in physical appearance. The last two could mean that, but might also mean that you act like your mother, or haveattitudes or beliefs similar to those of your mother.

Yes, all of these sentences convey a similar meaning in describing a resemblance between the person being addressed and their mother. However, there are slight differences in the usage and connotation of each phrase.

1. "You look like your mother." This phrase focuses on physical appearance and suggests that the person shares similar facial features or other physical attributes with their mother. It is a straightforward and commonly used statement.

2. "You take after your mother." This phrase implies that the person shares not only physical resemblance but also certain characteristics, personality traits, or talents with their mother. It suggests a similarity in behavior or abilities. This expression is commonly used to acknowledge similarities beyond just appearance.

3. "You resemble your mother." This phrase is a more formal way of saying that the person bears a likeness to their mother physically or otherwise. It can be used both for physical and non-physical similarities, but it may lack the depth of meaning conveyed by "take after".

4. "You are similar to your mother." This phrase is a general statement indicating that the person being addressed shares similarities with their mother, without specifying whether it is in appearance, personality, or other aspects. It is a neutral and less personal way of expressing resemblance.

5. "You are like your mother." This phrase suggests a broader similarity, encompassing both physical resemblance and behavioral or personality traits. It implies that the person being addressed not only looks like their mother but also behaves or thinks in a similar way. It is commonly used to describe a strong overall resemblance.

In everyday conversations, "You look like your mother" and "You take after your mother" are the most frequently used expressions to convey resemblance, while the others may be used less frequently or in specific contexts.