This question deals with the the 4 verb tenses

By the climax, thr central character in the novel accepted his responsibility


I don't understand your question. Are you supposed to identify the tense of the verb in that sentence?

Scroll down about halfway and read the section on Tenses.

Megan -- if you intend to continue in AP English, I urge you to learn to phrase your questions so that other understand what you need.


Sure, I can help you understand the verb tenses in the sentence you provided.

The verb tense used in the sentence is the past tense. Here's how you can identify the verb tense and understand it:

1. Identify the main verb: In this sentence, the main verb is "accepted."

2. Identify the tense of the main verb: The base form of the verb "accept" is the present tense, but in this sentence, it is in the past tense. "Accepted" is the past tense form of the verb.

3. Understand the meaning: The past tense is used to describe actions, events, or states that occurred and are completed in the past. In this sentence, the central character accepted his responsibility at some point in the past.

By understanding the verb tense used in the sentence, you can effectively interpret and comprehend the meaning conveyed by the sentence.