i have these questions already but I need some more please.1. The learning and memory process. For instance, does the interviewee remember information more accurately if he/she observes the behavior being performed, or does he/she prefer to read how the behavior is performed? 2. Does the interviewee prefer studying in a library, or at home where there are background noises and some distractions?

3. Has the person you are interviewing taken the Myers Briggs test? Report the results. Does your interviewee feel these results are accurate? Why or why not? Which experiences does this person feel contributed most in the development of his/her personality?
4.Does this person feel that he/she is self-monitoring in regards to his/her attitudes? How or how not? What does the interviewee feel was the strongest influence on his/her attitudes? What role does your interviewee feel a person’s race, gender, or ethnicity play when forming that person’s personality and attitudes?
5. Does this person feel he/she is better at tasks when intrinsically motivated or extrinsically motivated?
They have to be Formulate for the interviews relating to perdonality.

please help

they have to relate to personality

Since we do not have information on the interviewee, we cannot answer any of those questions. I assume you have that information.

However, even though I don't know how the person "feels," intrinically motivated behavior is typically learned better than extrnisically motivated behavior.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

those are what i have to ask the interviewee so far I just need some more questions.

I need more questions for my interview relating to personality.

Sure, here are some additional questions related to personality that you can ask in an interview:

1. Can the interviewee describe a situation where they faced a challenging task or problem? How did they approach and handle it? Did their personality traits play a role in their approach?

2. Does the interviewee consider themselves more of an introvert or extrovert? How does this impact their interactions and relationships with others?

3. Can the interviewee identify a time when they experienced a significant change or transition in their life? How did they adapt to it, and did their personality traits influence their response?

4. What does the interviewee consider as their biggest strengths and weaknesses? How have they worked on enhancing their strengths and overcoming their weaknesses?

5. Can the interviewee provide an example of a time when they had to work in a team or collaborate with others? How did they contribute to the team, and how did their personality traits impact their role?

6. Does the interviewee have any specific hobbies or interests? How do these activities align with their personality and contribute to their personal growth and development?

7. Can the interviewee discuss any significant life experiences that have shaped their personality? How did these experiences contribute to their values, beliefs, and overall character?

Remember, during the interview, actively listening to the interviewee's responses will also provide valuable insights into their personality, motivations, and attitudes.