I have to answer these using direct object pronouns. (help with answer translation)

1.donde compro juan la comida?

I buy it at the supermarket. (I know I use lo b/c its masc.)

2.donde compraste ese vestido tan bonito?

I bought it downtown at the mall. (la b/c fem.)

(No special attention needed for this one. Just an answer)

I'm confused with this one. I don't know what they are looking for.

¿quién hizo tu cama esta mañana?

I made my bed this morning?
I bought my bed this morning?
I woke up from my bed this morning?

(those are my guesses btw not real choices if ya can't tell)

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. 3rd time posting? Sorry, but it's the very first time I see it today!

Please don't forget to capitalize what should be capitalized (first word of a sentence, proper names, etc.), place the proper punctuation and that includes the necessary accent marks!

These are the Direct Objects:
me, te, lo, la, nos, os, los, las.

1. Where did John buy food? Since you are answering that question, the answer must say: John bought it (the food is feminine singular, so you use "la") at the supermarket. It appears you need a good English--->Spanish/Spanish--->English dictionary. You should try these answers FIRST and then you will no better where you have difficulty! The answer is: Juan l2 compró en el supermercado.

2. Where did you buy that so pretty dress? I bought it downtown. Excuse me, you don't need help? (la b/c fem) is totally wrong, as the dress (el vestido) is masculine singular so you need "lo") Now, having done #1 so completely for you. Try the other answers and I'll be happy to check them for you.

3. Who made your bed this morning? (hacer la cama = to make the bed) I made it (the bed is feminine singular, so you need "la") this morning.

When you post the answers to #2 and #3, I'll be glad to check them for you. There are good dictionaries online, so if you need one, please ask.


P.S. I have now been on over an hour. It's time for me to feed my rescue animals. I'll be back on before I go to bed, but it may be after you go to bed, so please check first thing in the morning, IF you have posted those 2 answers!


O.K. It's 11:28 and I see no answers yet.


once y veintinueve de la noche

To answer the question using direct object pronouns, you replace the direct object noun with the appropriate pronoun. Here are the translations for each question:

1. ¿Donde compró Juan la comida?
Juan la compró en el supermercado.
(Juan bought it at the supermarket.)
Here, the direct object pronoun "la" is used because "comida" is feminine.

2. ¿Donde compraste ese vestido tan bonito?
Lo compré en el centro comercial.
(I bought it downtown at the mall.)
In this case, the direct object pronoun "lo" is used because "vestido" is masculine.

3. ¿Quién hizo tu cama esta mañana?
Yo la hice esta mañana.
(I made it this morning.)
The direct object pronoun "la" is used because "cama" is feminine. The correct answer translates to "I made my bed this morning."