Which of the following sentences uses concrete language?

A. Jerry saw that the glass was really dirty.
B. I met Cathy at a store on a street near the bridge.
C. Danny's Labrador retriever eagerly chases tennis balls.
D. When I saw Susan, she was reading a book.

My answer is D

I think there's a better answer.


Whose idea of dirty?

I've checked two of your answers. Now you're on your own.

Actually, the sentence that uses concrete language is C. "Danny's Labrador retriever eagerly chases tennis balls." This sentence provides specific and tangible details, as it mentions a Labrador retriever and their action of chasing tennis balls.

To determine which sentence uses concrete language, we need to identify the sentence that provides specific and detailed information that can be experienced through the senses. Let's examine each sentence:

A. "Jerry saw that the glass was really dirty."
This sentence uses descriptive language but lacks specific details that can be observed through the senses.

B. "I met Cathy at a store on a street near the bridge."
While this sentence provides some specific information about the location, it does not offer any concrete details that can be experienced through the senses.

C. "Danny's Labrador retriever eagerly chases tennis balls."
This sentence contains specific details about Danny's Labrador retriever engaging in a specific action that can be visualized.

D. "When I saw Susan, she was reading a book."
This sentence also provides specific information about Susan's activity of reading a book. Although it mentions Susan, it lacks concrete and specific details that can be experienced through the senses.

Based on the analysis above, the sentence that uses concrete language is C: "Danny's Labrador retriever eagerly chases tennis balls." It presents specific and detailed information that can be visualized through the senses.