Which of the following is a simple sentence?

A. Karen and David arrived at the airport at 3:35 P.M. and took a taxi to their hotel.
B. When I realized I was too late, I called David's cell phone and made arrangements to meet them in town.
C. I got to the airport late because the traffic was so terrible.
D. I went to the airport, but I was too late to meet them.

My answer is D



Correct! Sentence D is a simple sentence because it consists of only one independent clause. It doesn't contain any dependent clauses or additional phrases that complicate its structure. To identify simple sentences, you can look for sentences that have a subject, a verb, and express a complete thought on their own without relying on other clauses or phrases. In this case, sentence D satisfies these criteria as it has the subject "I," the verb "went," and expresses a complete thought. Great job!