Which of the following sentences contains a redundancy?

A. Chris had trouble working up even mild enthusiasm for Mike's plan.
B. Steve admired the partially completed stadium.
C. Emily's sister gave birth to a pair of twins.
D. At no time did Tony indicate a willingness to admit defeat.Which of the following sentences contains a redundancy?
A. Chris had trouble working up even mild enthusiasm for Mike's plan.
B. Steve admired the partially completed stadium.
C. Emily's sister gave birth to a pair of twins.
D. At no time did Tony indicate a willingness to admit defeat.

My anwser is C

Please do not post a question after it's already been answered.


Which of the following sentences contains a dependent clause?

A. Kicking and leaping, the three deer behaved like rambunctious rabbits.
B. Please clear the table and wash the dishes.
C. Jared eagerly climbed into the boxing ring; he was on his back and out for the count in less than ten seconds.
D. The red sports car that was parked under the tree belongs to Alan.

Good job! You are correct. The sentence in choice C, "Emily's sister gave birth to a pair of twins," contains a redundancy. The word "pair" is unnecessary because twins always come in pairs. To avoid the redundancy, the sentence can simply be written as "Emily's sister gave birth to twins." Remember, redundancies can be eliminated to make writing more concise and efficient.