In Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Franko, along with other totalitarian regimes what actions/situations did each of them practise do which relates to any forms propaganda, direct control of citizens, economic control, and implementation of fear? Could you please provide web links if possible?

So far I have the fact that Hitler(the Third Reich) encouraged young women of the correct "race" to mate with men of the same "race" and produce babies of the right "race," amounting to a form of prostitution in that elite troops were encouraged to mate with good, blond young women and make "good" babies, regardless of marital status.Also, German children were forced into those youth groups to be educated about Hitler and his greatness, and only that. Lastly, the family and the individual is convinced of the absolute truth of whatever doctrine the rulers want them to believe in, the family and the individual have circumscribed choices.

And then for Stalin, he slaughtered 20 million people who repudiated against his theories in high massacre- The Great Terror. As for control over the economy, the command economy that developed in this town is centralized to achieve the goals of the Five Year Plans- the Purge of the People.

Could someone elaborate on what I have or add more examples, and provide some helpful websites please?

Thank you!


Beth, read, read, read. So far you have only suggestions I made. You must do some reading for yourself.

And you can search the web by yourself. It's a good skill to have. Enter into your browser keywords such as "Franco's Spain" and you'll get the list of related sites just as I have posted here. I did that for you to get you started, but you can do it yourself.

Sorry, the link for Stalin is not a live link. It' missing the colon after http. Type in the colon to make it live, or just type "Soviet Union under Stalin" in your browser to get the same thing.

Can you check over my research paper outline for me please?(excluding intro and conclusion- and u know my thesis already at this point haha)

Para 1: Discussion of the drug in book called "Soma" that renders all citizens docile and unemotional(they do not even have the power to feel remorse or unhappiness etc.) and connect with totalitarian facet of propaganda. Then relate it to the Third Reich(Hitler) and cite at least once in text(direct or indirect). Transition.

Para 2: Discussion of the genetic engineering example in book that modifies and mass produces(humans treated like commodities and in relation to supply and demand rule- there are alphas(higher class liker high demand goods) down to epsilons(lower class like less wanted goods); people are controlled even to the personal level- economically, spititually(soma), socially, sexually. This annihilates liberty and individuality- similar to Soviet Union(Stalin) (examples to be determined and quoted). Basically the gov't in book makes people fit in with their society and their idealisms(their religion is "Fordism"). Transition.

Para 3(refute): Discussion of the happiness in Brave New World and its intention of being a social satire, which contrasts to the fear implemented by real historical regimes(Hitler and Stalin- any good examples?). I will also add to this refute and connect it back with the thesis again, stating that this is still in some way a method of controlling people and keeping their trust. Transition. [mainly need evidence to prove this]**

In order to answer your question, it's important to note that there are numerous actions and practices carried out by Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, and other totalitarian regimes that relate to propaganda, control of citizens, economic control, and implementation of fear. Here are some additional examples for each regime:

1. Stalin:
- Propaganda: Stalin used propaganda extensively to promote his ideologies and maintain control. The state-controlled media glorified Stalin and his policies while demonizing political opponents.
- Direct Control of Citizens: The secret police, known as the NKVD, were used to maintain control and suppress dissent. They employed widespread surveillance, censorship, and repression.
- Economic Control: Stalin implemented a command economy in the Soviet Union where the government controlled all aspects of production, distribution, and consumption. Collectivization of agriculture and forced industrialization were key components.
- Fear: Stalin's regime was characterized by the Great Purge (also known as the Great Terror), during which millions of people were targeted and executed or imprisoned based on suspicion or false charges. This created a climate of fear and paranoia.

For more information on Stalin and his regime, you can refer to the following sources:
- Stalin's Reign of Terror -
- BBC History: Joseph Stalin -

2. Hitler:
- Propaganda: The Nazi regime under Hitler employed sophisticated propaganda techniques through various media channels, including newspapers, radio, and film. The most well-known propagandist was Joseph Goebbels.
- Direct Control of Citizens: Hitler established organizations such as the Hitler Youth and the League of German Girls to indoctrinate German youth with Nazi ideology. The Gestapo, Germany's secret police, enforced obedience through surveillance and repression.
- Economic Control: Hitler's regime pursued a policy of autarky (economic self-sufficiency) and exerted significant control over the German economy, including labor, production, and trade.
- Fear: The Nazi regime utilized fear as a tool of control, targeting various groups, such as Jews, political dissidents, and minority communities, through persecution, discrimination, and ultimately the Holocaust.

For further information on Hitler and Nazi propaganda, you can refer to:
- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum - Propaganda in Nazi Germany -

Please note that due to the nature of your question, it is difficult to provide web links for each specific action or situation related to every regime. However, the sources mentioned above should provide a solid starting point for your research.