if you were to create a histogram of the data in the frequency table, which interval would have the shortest bar?

a. 8-9

Data lacking.

Whichever has the smallest frequency.

To determine which interval would have the shortest bar in a histogram created from a frequency table, you need to look at the frequency values in each interval. The interval with the lowest frequency would have the shortest bar.

To find the frequency values in each interval, you need to refer to the frequency table provided. The frequency table is a table that summarizes the data by grouping it into intervals and counts the number of occurrences within each interval.

Once you have the frequency table, identify the intervals specified in the answer choices (8-9, 10-11, 16-17, 18-19) and determine their corresponding frequencies. Compare the frequencies of these intervals and select the interval with the lowest frequency. The option that corresponds to this interval is the answer.

Without the specific frequencies in the frequency table or the values themselves, I am unable to determine the interval with the shortest bar for you. Please review the given frequency table and compare the frequencies in the specified intervals to determine which one has the lowest frequency.