Which of the following types of governments would likely give a national legislature the most power over a national, executive leader?


Absolutely right!

Thanks again :)

The type of government that would likely give a national legislature the most power over a national executive leader is a parliamentary system.

To determine which type of government gives a national legislature the most power over a national executive leader, let's explore each option and analyze their characteristics.

1. Federation: A federation is a system of government where power is divided between a central government and regional governments. The national legislature typically shares power with regional legislatures, and the executive leader (such as a president) holds significant authority. Therefore, a federation does not give the national legislature the most power over the executive leader.

2. Parliamentary: In a parliamentary system, the national legislature is supreme, and the executive leader (often called the prime minister) is typically a member of the legislature. The executive leader's power is derived from the support of the majority in the legislature. This arrangement gives the national legislature more influence and control over the executive leader compared to other forms of government. Therefore, a parliamentary system is the correct answer because it gives the national legislature the most power over the executive leader.

3. Unitary: A unitary system is a governmental structure where power is concentrated in a central government. The national legislature has authority, but ultimately, the executive leader (such as a president) holds significant power. While the legislature may have some control, it does not have the same degree of power as in a parliamentary system.

4. Confederation: A confederation is a loose association of states or regions where power rests primarily with the individual members, and the central government has limited authority. In a confederation, the national legislature has limited power over the executive leader compared to a parliamentary system.

In conclusion, among the four options, the parliamentary system is the type of government that would likely give a national legislature the most power over a national executive leader.