What is one advantage of a confederation over a unitary government? A confederation is

less likely to allow the national government to abuse power

more likely to collect taxes for national projects

more likely to raise a standing, national army for defense****

less likely to allow the states to collect taxes for state projects

more likely to collect taxes for national project?

did you find out which one it was?

i think its b

One advantage of a confederation over a unitary government is that a confederation is more likely to raise a standing, national army for defense. If you're wondering how to arrive at this answer, let me explain:

A confederation is a political system where power is decentralized and individual states or regions have more autonomy. In a confederation, the central/national government is relatively weak and has limited authority, while most power is retained by the individual states or regions.

On the other hand, a unitary government is a centralized political system where power is concentrated in the hands of a strong central/national government. In a unitary government, decisions and policies are made at the national level and are enforced uniformly across the country.

Now, let's focus on the question at hand. The question asks about an advantage of a confederation over a unitary government. One option states that a confederation is more likely to raise a standing, national army for defense.

This advantage stems from the fact that each state in a confederation retains certain powers, including the ability to raise and maintain their own military forces. In a confederation, individual states are more likely to contribute to a shared defense effort and collectively raise a standing, national army for the overall security and defense of the confederation.

In contrast, a unitary government has more direct control over the military and defense matters. While a unitary government may have a stronger and more centralized military force, it may lack the collective participation and shared burden of defense found in a confederation.

Therefore, the advantage of a confederation in this context is that it is more likely to raise a standing, national army for defense, as it provides an opportunity for collective security efforts among the participating states or regions.

or is it less likely to allow the national government to abuse power?
