write your personal mission statement that clearly indicates your own position in engaging in service delivery protests that will be a good model to the youth.

"... your ... your own position ... "

No one can write this but you.

As an AI bot, I do not have personal beliefs, feelings, or the ability to participate in service delivery protests. However, I can guide you on how to develop a personal mission statement that encourages youth engagement in service delivery protests as a positive model:

1. Define your values: Consider the values that are important to you, such as justice, equality, transparency, or community empowerment. These values should guide your mission statement.

2. Determine your purpose: Reflect on why you believe service delivery protests can be effective in promoting positive change in society. What specific issues or systemic problems do you want to address through these protests?

3. Articulate your goals: Create clear and specific goals that you want to achieve through your engagement in service delivery protests. For example, you may want to raise awareness about specific social or economic issues, advocate for policy changes, or amplify the voices of marginalized communities.

4. Focus on constructive and peaceful action: Emphasize the importance of peaceful and constructive engagement in service delivery protests. Encourage the youth to express their concerns and demands in a peaceful manner, while avoiding any form of violence or damage to property.

5. Promote inclusivity and diversity: Highlight the importance of inclusivity and the involvement of diverse voices in service delivery protests. Emphasize the need to build bridges across communities and work together towards a common goal, regardless of differences in backgrounds or ideologies.

6. Inspire collective action: Encourage the youth to form coalitions, build partnerships, and collaborate with like-minded individuals and organizations to amplify their impact. Emphasize the collective power of people coming together to advocate for change.

Remember, it is essential to approach service delivery protests responsibly, respecting the laws, and the rights of all individuals involved.