Directions: Add the correct puntuation mark to the end of the sentence.Then tell whether the sentenceis a DECARATIVE,INTERROGATIVE,IMPERATIVE, or EXCLAMATORY.

(1)intolerance usually results from a lack of information_________________.
(2)do you feel uncomfortable,for example, around a person with a disability____________________.
(3)don't let this feeling make you ignore the person________________.
(4)A good friend may be right on front of you_________________.
(5)Make the effort to find out more about this peson______________.

PS.please try to find the anwers.

Please check the definitions and examples of those four kinds of sentences. Then try to answer them yourself.

We'll be glad to check your answers.

As Ms. Sue has written, once you come up with your answers, let us know and someone here will check them for you.


(1) intolerance usually results from a lack of information. - Declarative.

To add the correct punctuation mark, we need to add a period at the end of the sentence: intolerance usually results from a lack of information.

(2) do you feel uncomfortable, for example, around a person with a disability? - Interrogative.

To add the correct punctuation mark, we need to add a question mark at the end of the sentence: do you feel uncomfortable, for example, around a person with a disability?

(3) don't let this feeling make you ignore the person. - Imperative.

To add the correct punctuation mark, we need to add a period at the end of the sentence: don't let this feeling make you ignore the person.

(4) A good friend may be right in front of you. - Declarative.

To add the correct punctuation mark, we need to add a period at the end of the sentence: A good friend may be right in front of you.

(5) Make the effort to find out more about this person! - Imperative.

To add the correct punctuation mark, we need to add an exclamation mark at the end of the sentence: Make the effort to find out more about this person!