
Eating Habits......................................... 1-15

Reproduction......................................... 16-20

Geographic Areas ................................. 21-22

Endangered Species ............................. 23-24

Growth and Development ...................... 25-30

Relationships with Humans..................... 31-34

In Captivity ............................................. 35-37

Relationships with Other Species .......... 38-40

Response to Changes in Habitat ........... 41-45

21. Which of the following page ranges will most likely provide information on how pandas learn to climb trees?

A. 41-45

B. 38-40

c. 25-30

D. 21-22
I think it is C

Yes. C.

To find the page range that most likely provides information on how pandas learn to climb trees, we need to look for a topic related to "Growth and Development" or "Relationships with Other Species" since climbing trees involves both physical development and interactions with the environment.

Based on the given categories, the most suitable option is:

C. 25-30 - Growth and Development

This page range would likely cover topics related to pandas' physical growth and development, including their ability to learn and develop skills like climbing trees.