I have to answer these using direct object pronouns. (help with answer translation)

1.donde compro juan la comida?

I buy it at the supermarket. (I know I use lo b/c its masc.)

2.donde compraste ese vestido tan bonito?

I bought it downtown at the mall. (la b/c fem.)

Yo los veo

Lo compre
Te llamé por teléfono ayer

To answer these questions using direct object pronouns, you will need to replace the nouns with the appropriate pronouns.

1. Donde lo compro Juan? (Where does Juan buy it?)
Answer: Juan lo compra en el supermercado. (Juan buys it at the supermarket.)
Explanation: In this case, "la comida" (the food) is replaced with the direct object pronoun "lo" because it is singular and masculine.

2. Donde lo compraste ese vestido tan bonito? (Where did you buy that beautiful dress?)
Answer: Lo compré en el centro comercial. (I bought it downtown at the mall.)
Explanation: In this case, "ese vestido tan bonito" (that beautiful dress) is replaced with the direct object pronoun "lo" because it is singular and masculine.

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