In no more than three sentences I must state the "Hubble relationship" in words AND quantify numerically what it says about the "speed of recession" of distant galaxies (i am to include a definition of the "unit one parsec" in this 3-sentence answer) - CAN SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!

Certainly. POst your thinking and I will critique.

The Hubble relationship states that the recession velocity of distant galaxies is directly proportional to their distance from us. Mathematically, it can be expressed as v = H₀d, where v is the velocity, H₀ is the Hubble constant, and d is the distance. The Hubble constant quantifies the rate at which the universe is expanding. One parsec is defined as the distance at which one astronomical unit subtends an angle of one arcsecond, approximately equal to 3.086 × 10¹³ kilometers or 3.262 light-years.