A first-class letter can weigh up to 13 ounces before additional charges must be added. Estimate how much more weight can be added to a letter that weighs 10 1/3 ounces.

Almost 3 ounces

2+2/3 ounces

To estimate how much more weight can be added to a 10 1/3 ounce letter before additional charges must be added, we can subtract the weight of the letter from the maximum weight allowed.

Maximum weight allowed: 13 ounces
Weight of the letter: 10 1/3 ounces

To subtract the weight of the letter from the maximum weight allowed, we can write it as:

13 ounces - 10 1/3 ounces

To convert 10 1/3 into an improper fraction, we multiply the denominator (3) by the whole number (10) and add the numerator (1). This gives us:

13 ounces - (31/3) ounces

We can find a common denominator (3) for both fractions and subtract the numerators:

13 ounces - (31/3) ounces
= (39/3) ounces - (31/3) ounces

Subtracting the numerators gives us:

= (39 - 31)/3 ounces
= 8/3 ounces

Therefore, we can add approximately 8/3 ounces (or 2 and 2/3 ounces) more to a 10 1/3 ounce letter before additional charges must be added.

To estimate how much more weight can be added to a letter weighing 10 1/3 ounces, we can subtract the current weight from the maximum allowed weight of 13 ounces.

Step 1: Convert 10 1/3 ounces to a decimal form.
To convert a mixed number to a decimal, multiply the whole number part by the denominator, and add the numerator. Then, divide that sum by the denominator.
10 1/3 = (10 × 3 + 1) / 3 = 31 / 3 ≈ 10.33

Step 2: Subtract the current weight from the maximum allowed weight.
13 (maximum weight) - 10.33 (current weight) = 2.67

Therefore, approximately 2.67 ounces of additional weight can be added to the letter.