What types of flaws does Snowball have in the book Animal Farm?

What do you think?

he is a bad speaker

You could add more.


Listen to Trotsky speaking English.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xv--EVbmMys (Animal Farm had the animals speaking English). Yes, you can add much more. The main flaw was he was an idealist.

and one more, from Fox News:


In order to explore the types of flaws Snowball has in the book "Animal Farm," I recommend analyzing the text to gather evidence. Here's how you can do it:

1. Read the book: Begin by reading George Orwell's "Animal Farm" to familiarize yourself with the character of Snowball and the events that take place.

2. Identify traits and actions: Analyze Snowball's character and behavior throughout the story. Look for instances where he displays certain flaws or makes questionable choices.

3. Follow key events: Pay close attention to Snowball's involvement in significant events, such as the initial rebellion against the humans, the establishment of the Seven Commandments, the struggle for power with Napoleon, and the subsequent changes on the farm.

4. Analyze consequences: Examine the consequences of Snowball's actions and decisions. Consider both the short-term and long-term effects they have on the other animals and the overall development of the farm.

5. Consider opposing viewpoints: Take into account the criticisms and allegations made by other characters, particularly Napoleon and his supporters. Compare these accusations against Snowball's actions to gain a broader perspective.

Some potential flaws that can be identified in Snowball's character may include:

1. Ambition: Snowball's ambition for power and influence can be seen in his pursuit of leadership on the farm. Some argue that this ambition ultimately leads to conflicts and discord with Napoleon.

2. Naivety: Snowball's idealistic and optimistic nature can be seen as a flaw. His trust in the principles of Animalism and his belief that all animals are virtuous and capable of equality may blind him to the manipulative tactics employed by others.

3. Lack of pragmatism: Snowball's lack of pragmatic approaches might be viewed as a flaw. His emphasis on elaborate plans and grand projects, such as the windmill, may distract from solving more immediate and practical concerns of the animals.

4. Unwillingness to resort to violence: Snowball's reluctance to use violence to secure his position can be seen as a flaw, particularly when faced with the ruthless and power-hungry tactics employed by Napoleon.

By carefully examining the text and considering different viewpoints, you can form a comprehensive understanding of Snowball's flaws in "Animal Farm."