In a zero order reaction ,20% of the reaction complete in 10s .How much time it will take to complete 50% of the reaction?

as for zero order x=-kt here x=20 and t= 10 s so k comes 2

now t1/2 = a0/2k so
so t1/2=100/2×2=25

To determine the time it will take to complete 50% of the reaction in a zero-order reaction, we can use the equation:

t = (0.5 - 0.2) / (0 - 0.2) * t₁₀

t = time to complete 50% of the reaction
0.5 = desired completion percentage (in this case, 50%)
0.2 = initial completion percentage (in this case, 20%)
0 = final completion percentage (as the reaction is completely consumed)
t₁₀ = time it took to achieve the initial completion percentage (10 seconds)

Plugging in the values, we have:

t = (0.5 - 0.2) / (0 - 0.2) * 10

Simplifying the equation:

t = 0.3 / (-0.2) * 10

t = -0.3 / 0.2 * 10

t = -1.5 * 10

t = -15 seconds

However, we cannot have a negative time value in this context, so we must disregard this result. It is important to note that a zero-order reaction does not have a fixed time to completion. It may take longer or shorter than the initial completion time to reach a different completion percentage.

50-20 is 30%

If 20% takes 10s then 30% will take 15 s
Together 25s
