6. Which example contains the same type of reasoning found in this portion of section one?

Many people think that all combative sports should be strictly monitored and regulated by state commissions. It is obvious that the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) is an organization that promotes combative athletic events. State athletic commissions should strictly monitor and regulate the UFC.

A) I like banana splits. You like banana splits. Everyone likes banana splits.

B) Dominic eats pepperoni pizza. Quarterbacks eat pepperoni pizza. Dominic is a quarterback.

C) All the students in Ms. Smith's class are male. James is in Ms. Smith's class. James is a male.

D) Many cell phones are sold. Many cell phones are sold to teenagers. All teenagers have cell phones.

A ?

8. Many people think that all combative sports should be strictly monitored and regulated by state commissions. It is obvious that the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) is an organization that promotes combative athletic events. State athletic commissions should strictly monitor and regulate the UFC.

Which BEST supports the claim that the argument in the last three sentences of section one is valid?

A)It is possible for both its premises to be true and its conclusion to be false.

B)It is impossible for both its premises to be true and its conclusion to be false.

C)Some measure of support for the valid conclusion must exist to ensure its inductive truth.

D)This argument is valid because it is proven by the certainty that it does not lead to the conclusion.

8.C ? I think ?

6. C? or B?

I think C for #6, yes.

#8 - I think B is the best answer.

I think I like another answer to the first question. For #8, if premise a) is true and premise b) is true, then the conclusion must be true, too. Which one fits that?

All the students in Ms. Smith's class are male. James is in Ms. Smith's class. James is a male.

6. The example that contains the same type of reasoning found in this portion of section one is option C. In both cases, the reasoning follows the pattern of making a general statement about a group and then applying that statement to a specific individual within that group based on the initial statement.

8. The best choice that supports the claim that the argument in the last three sentences of section one is valid is option B. This option states that it is impossible for both the premises to be true and the conclusion to be false. This supports the validity of the argument because if the premises are true (combative sports should be regulated, UFC promotes combative athletic events), then it logically follows that the conclusion (state athletic commissions should regulate the UFC) is also true.

8. I'm unsure.